Control Esports

Esports Team

Joining control's Fortnite roster is more of a privilege than an opportunity. Here at Control's Fortnite roster we try to look for something unique and of course something we haven't seen before in a player. In order to join you must do the following: First post montages or clips in ︱fn-clips showing off your skills and game sense. We'd like the clips be at least 1080p if possible (exceptions can be made). If or when you join the team one of the @Owner will dm you telling you that you made the team. For grinders however, the reason we give you grinder falls under the category of lack of improvement. If we see every clip is pretty much the same and there is no uniqueness to the clips then that becomes a red flag. We do give you limitless opportunities to join us but after the first time of getting shut down and you come back with no improvement, we'll tell you that and give you some advice on how to get better.

How to Join as a Rocket League Player As I said before, joining the Rocket League is more of a privilege than an opportunity, and the same applies for our Rocket League team. In order to join the Rocket League roster there is a few things you need to do first: First post clips or montages in ︱rl-clips showing off your skills with maneuvering the ball and show some highlights of some crazy shots that show uniqueness. Being unique is probably our number 1 modo for joining this team, Control doesn't want to be some regular ordinary team, we wanna show some uniqueness in our players and in our content. When you find out that you've met the requirements to join and you've submitted your clips or montages to the submissions, a grinder role might appear under your name which is a good thing. We think you have potential to get better and we think that sometime in the future, you'd be a great addition to the team.

How to join as a GFX Designer (Graphics Designer) As you may have read before, being unique is one of our main goals at Control. In the GFX side of things, we look for creativity more than the quality of your work. Of course we want some decency when it comes to the quality of graphics but care more about the creativity over everything. In order to join as a GFX Designer, first you must upload some past work that you've had in ︱gfx-submissions . I'm not saying this to be rude, but if you aren't confident in your work and you doubt yourself in your ability to do something, that shows us that you can take on the job. Some past work could include some banners you've made for other people or some thumbnails. . How to join as a VFX Editor (Video Editor) Joining VFX is something that is very crucial when it comes to Esports team, if you think you have what it takes and you meet all the requirements to join VFX, trust me I will make your experience more fun. In order to join as VFX, we want the videos be at 1080p in quality, mostly because we want to know if you can produce good quality clips for us, and so then we can have good quality videos for the COntrol community to see. To post your videos, head over to ︱vfx-submissions and submit them there. If you receive grinder role then that means we think in the future you would be a nice addition to the VFX team. On the other hand, if you end up getting added to the VFX team, you will be officially in the team and as time goes by listen to staff members or head of VFX for your tasks.

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